Pastor Roger and Joann Jimenez have been married since June of 2004 and have been blessed with six kids.


Joann Jimenez is a wife and homeschool mother of six kids. It is Joann’s desire to produce children’s books with an emphasis on building Biblical character traits for kids. The main character, Herb Meyer, was inspired by Joann’s pet box turtle she had when she was ten years old. The Adventures of Herb Meyer is a compilation of Joann’s love for the Lord, kids, and of course, turtles!

Joann Jimenez


Roger Jimenez enjoyed drawing as a kid. He is happy to be able to provide illustrations for a children’s book that promotes Christian character. He has served as the Pastor of Verity Baptist Church since September 2010. He preaches at conferences and events throughout the country and has been featured in many documentaries. For more Christian content from Pastor Jimenez check out

Roger Jimenez